

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) opposes hunting, especially practices that are unnecessary, inherently cruel, and inflict needless trauma and suffering.  Examples of these practices include, trophy hunting, spotlighting (use of artificial lights that temporarily immobilize wildlife), and hunting that involves the use of baited traps.  Killing contests and other efforts to hunt as many animals as possible, are not practices that we support

ARL also recognizes that laws permit hunting. Although we do not support the practice, we expect that hunting will be done within legal limits as regulated by the state and by responsible, trained, competent and licensed persons.  Every effort must be made to ensure animals are taken humanely and that all wounded animals are tracked and killed to end suffering and stress.

The Animal Rescue League further recognizes that at times it may be necessary to permit hunting as a tool for wildlife management. We expect such hunting to be informed based on verifiable evidence and data, as well as monitored, controlled, and conducted by the proper authorities. Additionally, ARL supports and encourages the consideration of all available information to ensure that public safety is not threatened by hunting. When animals are hunted for human sustenance, the same guidelines must be followed, and endangered species must be avoided and protected.

Therefore, the Animal Rescue League of Boston will:

  • Oppose any legislation which seeks to allow inhumane practices in hunting
  • Oppose any legislation which seeks to provide any hunter with additional advantages, including — but not limited to — hunting with artificial lights and use of bait
  • Oppose legislation which seeks to increase hunting days and methods or allow hunting of additional species

View ARL’s full list of Animal Welfare Policy and Position Statements