Non-Surgical Sterilization

Non-Surgical Sterilization

The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) is hopeful that the emerging field of non-surgical sterilization can transform particular animal communities in the future, but recognize that the field must develop further before those transformations can occur. At this point in time (December 2016), surgical spay and neuter– given it is safe, effective and permanent—is the preferred method of sterilization.  In some communities, particularly large communities of stray and feral animals for which surgery is not feasible, scientifically studied and regulated non-surgical techniques can be helpful.


Therefore, the Animal Rescue League of Boston will:

  1. Keep updated on the latest research and innovations in non-surgical sterilization techniques.
  2. Continue to surgically sterilize animals prior to adoption.


Click here to read more ARL Policy and Position Statements.